# About This Site...

The world that has moved on, and it continues to do so at an alarming rate. One looks around in confusion as the senses are assaulted with the flash of stainless steel appliances, high-pitched beeps and blinding blue "ellee deez". Plastic is everywhere.  Headless voices shout with urgency from large flat boxes with bright moving pictures, seemingly trying to sell things.  People mutter commands to various objects (and some of those objects talk back...) The web is a wasteland, a "second system" littered with advertisments and accessible from bloated software that happens to spy on its users, tracking their every move and activity across the internet as corporations trade this information like currency.

In a misguided attempt to feel more at home in this alien world, I've chosen to adopt the command line interface as the sole means of using a computer, running a modern variant of Unix without all the bloat.  This outpost is a place to share my thoughts, complaints and experiences as I try to just get things done without going blind...

Because in the end, _ALL things_ serve the command line.

=> index.gmi Home