= Reason =

I think I started this gopherhole because I wanted to write a blog for a while,
and non-web (or "slow"/"small" internet) seems nice.

Originally, I was thinking of starting a gemlog. But I didn't want to
self-host, and choosing what tildeverse pubnix to join felt like Dune 2 trying
to figure out which house to join.

Meanwhile, here is SDF, running since 1987, offering gopher hosting, and it has
a sweet Macross reference to boot. On top of that it's an opportunity to use
unix in a fun, old-school way, which I haven't had the chance to before.

= Rabbit Hole =

I've spent much of the last week or so reading about gopher, SDF, gemini, Peer
Tube, fediverse, Plan 9... I guess this is a pretty deep rabbithole; there are
a lot of threads here to explore.

At the same time, looking back on my recent history, there were many paths
leading to this. It almost seems inevitable. I think it started a couple years
ago, really, when I decided to give Linux another go, and it really stuck
this time.

I do feel like I'm a bit late to the party, but it's better late than never.

= Aspirations =

So there's a lot to explore adjacent to and beyond gopher and SDF. But I want
to see what I can do with gopher in SDF for a bit.

I learned about moles today. So I added a silly CGI script to my gopherspace
that just shows the calendar for the month; I think I even took this straight
from the example. Anyway, it's fun to think about what utilities might be
useful in a text-only environment like that.

I found a link aggregator with a comment system [1] today, and it got me
thinking it'd be kind of cool to add something like this to my blog. I don't
think it would be that hard. I think the trick is that you have to then display
the blog entries in that "search" mode (2, I think?) Anyway, we'll see.

= Neighbor =

I don't know how long I'm going to be hanging out writing phlogs to myself (I
haven't officially joined the phlog yet). I'm not a great neighbor here so far.
I haven't socialized with anyone yet. I'm not really in a hurry either.

I won't lie; sharing quietly is nice.

(Is 3 posts in one day tacky? I'm starting to treat this like twitter or
something. Sorry if this is poor form.)

= Links =

[1] gopher://1436.ninja/1/Port70News